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Number of items: 114.

Ahmad, Puteri Aidawati and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Sheikh Salleh, Sheikh Hussein and Mohd Badar, Omar and Mohd Hani, Mohammed Khalil (2000) Application of signal analysis techniques for condition monitoring of a wire bonding machine. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 372-376.

Nor, S. M. and Yahya, Z. and Ihsanto, E. (2000) A fractal modeling for network traffic. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 472-477.

Hussein, S.B and Jamaluddin, H and Mailah, M and Zalzala, A.M.S (2000) A hybrid intelligent active force controller for robot arms using evolutionary neural networks. Evolutionary Computation, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on , 1 (2 vol. xxvi+1584). 117 -124.

Mustafa, M.W. and Abd Kadir, Aida Fazliana (2000) A Modified Approach For Load Flow Analysis Of Integrated AC-DC Power Systems. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 108-113.

Jawawi, D.N.A and Deris, S and Mamat, R, R (2000) A review of real-time software engineering methodologies for developing a wall-climbing robot control firmware. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 326-331.

Syed Abu Bakar, Syed Abdul Rahman and Salleh, Sh-Hussain and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Wei, L.C (2000) A Simple Digital Semaphore Decoder Using DSP Processor. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . 3vol.(xxv+536+641+527).

Teow, Ket Seang and Ismail, Issham and Ismail, Abdul Razak (2000) A study of formation damage at different drilling environments. Proceedings of Malaysian Science and Technology Congress '94 .

Mohd. Noor, Norliza and Mohd. Rijal, Omar and Mohd. Badar, Omar and P'ng, Yik Thon (2000) A vision problem in wire bonding. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . 299 -304.

Syed Abu Bakar, Syed Abdul Rahman and Green, R. J. (2000) Adaptive thresholding in dynamic scene analysis for extraction of fine line. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 141-143.

Chua, Boon Lay and Khalid, Marzuki and Yusof, Rubiyah (2000) An enhanced intelligent database engine by neural network and data mining. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 518-523.

Idris, Nik Rumzi and Yatim, A.H.M (2000) An Improved Stator Flux Estimation In Steady State Operation For Direct Torque Control Of Induction Machines. Industry Applications Conference, 2000. Conference Record of the 2000 IEEE , 3 . pp. 1353-1359.

Sharif, Z and Zainal, M.S and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Salleh, Sh-Hussain (2000) Analysis And Classification Of Heart Sounds And Murmurs Based On The Instantaneous Energy And Frequency Estimations. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 130-134.

Esa, Mazlina and Noor, N. A. M. and Hamid, M. R. and Subahir, Suhaila and Fisal, Norsheila and Yusof, Sharifah Kamilah (2000) Aperture coupled perturbed antenna with a parasitic element for rapidly deployable wireless ATM network. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 238-243.

Hassan, M. Y. and Majid, M. S. and Abdul Rahman, Hasimah (2000) Application of energy efficient motor in Malaysian industries. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 97-102.

Seeni Mohd , Mohd Ibrahim and Mansor , Mohd Adli (2000) Application of Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling in Flood Prediction Studies. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, 1 . pp. 91-98. ISSN 1511-7049

Daulay, Hasan and Abd. Rahman, Norhan and Mohd. Nasir, Kamarul Azlan (2000) Aquifer simulation model in Tioman Island. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (2). pp. 33-46. ISSN 0128-0147

Jambak, M.I. and Ahmad, H. and Jambak, M. Ihsan and Baker, A.M.A. (2000) Automatic maintenance of substation ground resistance. IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2000. . ISSN 6727927

Said, Hamdan and Talib, Nasrudin (2000) Cabaran era globalisasi ke atas warga pendidikan di Malaysia. Jurnal Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 6 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 1394-1801

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Mohd. Nor, Hussin and Ooi, Mun Foo (2000) Cation exchange membranes by radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene onto PFA copolymer films. II. Charactarization of sulfonated graft copolymer membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 76 . pp. 1-11.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Yormo, Mohd Ambar (2000) Cation exchange membranes by radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene onto PFA copolymer films. IV. Morphological investigations using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77 . pp. 2455-2463.

Abdul Manan, Zainuddin and Foo, Sheek Hian (2000) Combining pinch and energy analysis for process improvement - a case study on an aromatics complex. Jurnal Teknologi F (33F). pp. 9-16. ISSN 0127-9696

Sha’ameri, Ahmad Zuri (2000) Comparison of techniques for estimating the frequency selectivity of bandlimited channels. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 256-260.

Jaafar, Mahmad Nor and Saad, Puteh and V. Arjunan, Satya Nanda (2000) A computational model for water use efficiency in rice production. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0128-3790

Kassim, Khairul Anuar and Chow, Shiao Huey (2000) Consolidation characteristics of lime stabilised soil. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (1). pp. 31-42. ISSN 0128-0147

Abd. Rahman, Roslan (2000) Control of vibration power input to semi-infinite anisotropic beam. Jurnal Mekanikal, 1 . pp. 43-59. ISSN 0127-3396

Ninggal, Mohd. Tajudin (2000) Culture shock and fear issues among Malaysian students in U.S. Colleges and Universities : the macroscopic factors often misunderstood by "the professional counselors". Jurnal Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 6 (1). pp. 77-93. ISSN 1394-1801

Ahmad Azli, Naziha and Mohd Yatim, Abdul Halim (2000) Curve fitting technique for optimal pulsewidth modulation (PWM) online control of a voltage source inverter (VSI). TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 419-422.

Defit, Sarjon and Md. Sap, Mohd. Noor (2000) Data Mining : A Preview. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (1). 57--. ISSN 0128-3790

Zakaria, M. F. and Amin, S. H. M. and Mamat, R. (2000) Design and development of control system for Internet-based telerobotics. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 338-342.

Saat, Ezril Hisham Mat and Mamat, Rosbi and Yaakob, Omar (2000) Design and implementation of electronic control system for UTM-AUV. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 332-337.

Lim, Woan Ning and Yap, Keem Siah and Khalid, Marzuki and Yusof, Rubiyah (2000) Design of an automated data entry system for hand-filled forms. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 162-166.

Ahmad, Asmala and Hashim, Mazlan (2000) Determination of Haze API From Forest Fire Emission During the 1997 Thick Haze Episode in Malaysia using NOAA AVHRR Data. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, July, 1 . pp. 77-84. ISSN 1511-7049

Mansor, Shuhaimi and Ishak, Iskandar Shah and Ong, Meng Wei and Fahrurazi, Istas (2000) Development of a dynamic wind tunnel rig for aircraft pure pitching motion. Jurnal Mekanikal, 2 (10). pp. 46-57. ISSN 0127-3396

Ismail, A. F. and Haron, S. (2000) Development of a simulation model for a hollow fiber membrane N2-H2 separation system. Jurnal Teknologi F (32F). pp. 45-56. ISSN 0127-9696

Abdus Salam, M. and Ahmad, H and Fuad, S.A and Ahmad, A.S and Tamsir, T and Piah, M.A.M and Buntat, Z and Saadom, Zulkiply and Budin, Razali (2000) Development of mathematical relation between ESDD and wind velocity for a contaminated insulator in Malaysia. Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on , 2 (2 vol. xxv+1075 ). pp. 379-382.

Abdul Salam, M and Ahmad, H and Fuad, S.A and Ahmad, A.S and Tamsir, T and Piah, M.A.M and Buntat, Z and Saadom, Z and Budin, R (2000) Development of mathematical relation between ESDD and wind velocity for a contaminated insulator in Malaysia. Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on , 1 (2 vol. xxv+1075 ). 379 -382.

Mohd Nor, Sulaiman and Hani, Mohamed Khalil and Ashourian, Mohsen and Goh, Hock Ann (2000) Development of run-time UML for JAVA programming language. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 (3). pp. 86-89.

Salam, Md. Abdus and Ahmad, Hussein and Tamsir, T and S. Ahmad, Ahmad and Fuad, Syed Ahmad and Buntat, Z and M. Piah, M. A. (2000) Development the relationship between ESDD and the distance from the source of contaminants for the insulator. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 190-192.

Majid, M. S. and Jamaan, S. and Muda, Z. and Rahman, H. A. and Hassan, M. Y. (2000) Digital controller design for microalternator set. TENCON 2000. Proceedings (1). pp. 229-234.

Salam, M. A. and Ahmad, H. and Saadom, Z. and Budin, R. and Tamsir, T. and Buntat, Z. and Piah, M. A. M. (2000) Effect of equivalent salt deposit density on flashover voltage of contaminated insulator energized by HVDC. Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, 2000. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on , 2 (2 vol. xxv+1075 ). pp. 821-824.

Nasri, Noor Shawal and Mohsin, Rahmat and Mustafa, Azeman (2000) The Effect of Hydrogen Reduction Temperature On The Palladium-Supported Catalyst In The Combustion Of Methane. Jurnal Teknologi (32F). pp. 77-92. ISSN 0127-9696

Yeak, Su Hoe and Maimun, Adi (2000) The effect of numerical integration stiffness in ship motio simulation. Matematika, 16 (2). pp. 73-85. ISSN 0127-8274

Ibrahim, Subariah and Salleh, Mazleena and Kamat, Maznah (2000) Electronic Voting System: Preliminary Study. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (1). pp. 31-40. ISSN 0128-3790

Kamis, Azmi and Ismail, Abdul Razak and Ismail, Issham and Khor, Siak Foo (2000) Ester-based drilling fluids toward improved filtration properties performance. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Strategic Technologies .

Hainin, Mohd. Rosli (2000) Evaluation of indicator tests for identification of segregation in flexible pavements : a case study. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0128-0147

Jawaid, A. and Sharif, S. and Koksal, S. (2000) Evaluation of wear mechanisms of coated carbide tools when face milling titanium alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 99 . pp. 266-274. ISSN 09240136

Abdul Manan, Zainuddin and Hashim, Haslenda and Mansor, Shuhaimi (2000) Exergo-economic analysis of a batch chemical plant. Jurnal Teknologi F (32F). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0127-9696

Hashim , Mazlan and Abdullah, Adeli and Rasib, Abd. Wahid (2000) Extracting Ocean Colour and Sea-grass Information from Remote Sensing Data: Opportunities and Limitations. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, July (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN 1511-7049

Tamin, M. N. and Ghonem, H. (2000) Fatigue damage mechanisms of bridging fibers in titanium metal matrix composites. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME . pp. 370-375. ISSN 0094-4289

Osman, Mohd. Hanim and Md. Tahir, Mahmood and Saad, Sarifuddin (2000) Fatigue shear strength of slender web plate girders. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 0128-0147

Abdul Rahman, Rosly and Ikhsan, Sabirin and Muhamad Supian, Hairurizal (2000) Fibre optic Bragg grating sensors: a new technology for smart structure monitoring in Malaysia. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 78-79.

Ismail, M. S. and Abd. Rahman, Tharek (2000) Forward-link performance of CDMA cellular system. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 49 (5). 1692 -1696. ISSN 0018-9545

Hani, Mohamed Khalil and Shaikh-Husin, Nasir and Tan, Siang Lin (2000) FPGA Implementation of RSA Public-Key Cryptographic Coprocessor. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 6-11.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud (2000) Gamma radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene onto poly(ethyleneTerephthalate) films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77 . pp. 1003-1012.

Ding, Yulong and Alias, Hajar and Wen, Dongsheng and Williams, Richard A. (2000) Heat transfer of aqueous suspensions of carbon nanotubes (CNT nanofluids). International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (1-2). pp. 240-250. ISSN 0017-9310

Hussein, S. B. and Jamaluddin, H. and Mailah, M. and Zalzala, A. M. S. (2000) Hybrid intelligent active force controller for robot arms using evolutionary neural networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC, 1 . pp. 117-124.

Mohd. Ali, Dr. Hishamuddin and Ruddock, Dr. Les (2000) The Impact Of Portfolio Strategy On The ‘Style’ Performance Of U.K. Property Companies. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 5 (3). pp. 79-84.

Teo, Pock Chueng and Yusoff, Z. M. and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri (2000) Implementation of pipelined data encryption standard (DES) using altera CPLD. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 17-21.

Shaikh Salleh, Sheikh Hussain and Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Yusoff, Zulkarnian and Syed Al Attas, Syed Rahman and Lim, Soon Chieh (2000) Implementation of speaker identification system by means of personal computer. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 43-48.

Mailah, Musa (2000) Intelligent active force control of a rigid robot arm using embedded iterative learning algorithm. Jurnal Mekanikal, 2 (10). pp. 16-45. ISSN 0127-3396

Mailah, Mailah and Abdul Rahim, Nurul Izzah (2000) Intelligent active force control of a robot arm using fuzzy logic. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 2 . pp. 291-296.

Hassan, Adnan and Nabi Baksh, Mohd Shariff and M. Shaharoun, Awaluddin (2000) Issues in quality engineering research. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 17 (8). pp. 858-875. ISSN 0265-671X

Ismail, Issham and Junin, Radzuan (2000) Kajian aliran pelbagai fasa dalam industri huluan petroleum. Seminar Kebangsaan Teknologi Makmal ke-4 . pp. 157-163.

Ismail, Issham and Teow, Keat Seang (2000) Kerosakan formasi: punca utama kepada pengurangan pengeluaran minyak. Prosiding Seminar Advances in Malaysian Energy Research .

Ismail, Mohammad and Siaw, Wai San (2000) Kesan kebakaran ke atas kekuatan mampatan konkrit. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (2). pp. 13-32. ISSN 0128-0147

Mohamad Diah, Abu Bakar and Hamir, Rosli and Kamarulzaman, Kamarul Badlishah and Mohd. Ridzuan, Ahmad Ruslan (2000) Kesan pengawetan stim terhadap kekuatan konkrit. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (2). pp. 63-70. ISSN 0128-0147

Md. Sam, Yahaya and Ab. Ghani, Mohd. Ruddin and Ahmad, Nasarudin (2000) LQR controller for active car suspension. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 441-444.

Jambak, M. ‘Irfan and Ahmad, Hussein (2000) Measurement of grounding system resistance based on ground high frequency behavior for different soil type. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 (3). pp. 207-211.

Islam, M. R. and Abdul Rahman, Tharek (2000) Measurement of wet antenna effect on microwave propagation at 23, 26 and 38 GHz. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium , Volume: 4 . pp. 2094-2098. ISSN 1079-9478

Sh. I. Alsalameh, Abd Alsalam and H.M. Amin, Shamsudin and Mamat, Rosbi (2000) Mechanical design of a quadruped robot for horizontal ground to vertical wall movement. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 213-217.

Ahmad, Roazam and Mohd. Ja'afar, Mohammad Nazri (2000) Membangunkan pemusar udara untuk kegunaan ke atas pembakar berbahan api cecair. Jurnal Mekanikal, 1 (9). pp. 23-42. ISSN 0127-3396

Abu Bakar, Rosli and Wong, Chee Yeen (2000) Membina perisian untuk aliran yang melalui jasad. Jurnal Mekanikal, 1 (9). pp. 1-22. ISSN 0127-3396

Chik, Abdul Aziz and Ismail, Che Ros and Hainin, Mohd. Rosli (2000) Midblock signalled pedestrian crossing : alternative controller algorithms. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (1). pp. 43-51. ISSN 0128-0147

Idris, Nik Rumzi and Yatim, Abdul Halim (2000) Modeling Of A New Torque Controller For Direct Torque Control Of Induction Machines. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 39-45.

Mohamad Idris, Faridah and Yusof, Rubiyah and Khalid, Marzuki (2000) Modeling of a superheater for a combined cycle power plant. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 3 . 518 -523.

Ibrahim, Zulkepli and Richard, Hazel Kiddo (2000) Noise pollution at school environment located in residential area. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (2). pp. 47-62. ISSN 0128-0147

Kassim, Mohd. Azraai and Hanapi, Muhammad Nassir and Abdullah, Mohd. Harun (2000) A non-instrumental method to determine hydraulic heads on low-lying coastal aquifer. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0128-0147

Mohd. Jaafar, Mohammad Nazri and Andrews, G. E. and MkPadi, M. C. (2000) NOx emission reduction from gas burner system applying water cooling technique. Jurnal Mekanikal, 2 (10). pp. 58-72. ISSN 0127-3396

Hassan, Azmi and Othman, Rusli and Tang, Kieh Ming (2000) Optimized processing of satellite signal via evolutionary search algorithm. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 115-121.

Abu Zarin, Hasmah and Bujang, Ahmad Ariffian (2000) Pahang Today - Big 2000 'Economic and Industrial Growth'. Theory on Land Reform: An Overview .

Aspar, Zulfakar and Mohd Yusof, Zulkalnain and Suleiman, Ishak (2000) Parallel Huffman decoder with an optimized look up table option on FPGA. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 73-76.

Sulaiman, Seth (2000) Pendidikan sains, teknologi dan masyarakat. Jurnal Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 6 (1). pp. 66-76. ISSN 1394-1801

Salam, Md. Sah and Mohamad, Dzulkifli and Sheikh Salleh, Sheikh Husain (2000) Pengecaman sebutan digit menggunakan rangkaian neural : satu kajian terhadap carian bilangan nod. tersembunyi dan parameter pembelajaran. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (2). pp. 36-54. ISSN 0128-3790

Khamis, Azme (2000) Penggunaan model berstruktur linear dalam pembinaan indeks kualiti hidup di Malaysia. Matematika, 16 (2). pp. 101-110. ISSN 0127-8274

Ismail, Issham and Leong, Von Hoe (2000) Penggunaan monoetilena glikol untuk mengawal kemerosotan lumpur gerudi. Jurnal Teknologi F (33F). pp. 17-26. ISSN 0127-9696

Ting, Choo Yee and Arshad, Mohammad Yusof (2000) Penggunaan simulasi komputer bagi merealisasikan fenomena tidak sahih : satu alternatif mewujudkan konflik kognitif dalam pembelajaran sains. Jurnal Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 6 (1). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1394-1801

Ahmad, Tahir (2000) Pengitlakan satu kaitan koszul mendatar (TS2, ð, S2) Kepada (E,q,B). Matematika, 16 (2). pp. 95-100. ISSN 0127-8274

Yusof, Norazah and Samsuri, Paridah and Ahmad, Norbahiah and Mohd. Hashim, Siti Zaiton and Shamsuddin, Siti Mariyam (2000) Pengkelasan tahap pengetahuan pelajar secara pembelajaran adaptif berteknologi hipermedia - satu pendekatan rangkaian neural. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (2). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0128-3790

Ismail, A. F. and Shilton, S. J. (2000) The Practical Use Of Resistance Modeling To Interpret The Gas Separation Properties Of Hollow Fiber Membranes. Jurnal Teknologi F (32F). pp. 93-101. ISSN 0127-9696

S. Ahmad, Ahmad and Ahmad, Hussein and Salam, Md. Abdus and Tamsir, T and Buntat, Z and Mustafa, M. W. (2000) Prediction of salt contamination on high voltage insulators in rainy season using regression technique. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 184-189.

Defit, Sarjon and Md. Sap, Mohd. Noor (2000) Predictive data mining based on similarity and clustering methods. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (2). pp. 55-74. ISSN 0128-3790

Abdul Rahman, Tharek and Gan, Beng Ser (2000) Propagation measurement in IMT-2000 band in Malaysia environment. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 77-81.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Mohd Nor, Hussin and Ooi, Mun Foo (2000) Proton exchange membranes prepared by simultaneous radiation grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) films. II. Properties of sulfonated membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 78 . pp. 2443-2453.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Mohd. Nor, Hussin (2000) Proton exchange membranes prepared by simultaneous radiation grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethyleneco- hexafluoropropylene) films. I. Effect of grafting conditions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 76 . pp. 220-227.

Shaikh-Husin, Nasir and Chang, Wooi Po (2000) Pulse Coded Neural Network Implementation In VLSI. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 3 . pp. 237-241.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Dessouki, Ahmed Mokhtar and EI-Nesr, Eman Mohamed (2000) Radiation-induced grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) films. I. Effect of grafting conditions and properties of the grafted films. Polymer International, 49 . pp. 399-406.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Mohd. Nor, Hussin and Ooi, Mun Foo (2000) Radiation-induced grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene) films. Part II. Properties of the grafted and sulfonated membranes. Polymer International, 49 . pp. 1572-1579.

Mat, Ramli and Amin, Nor Aishah Saidina and Ramli, Zainab and W. Abu Bakar, W. Azelee (2000) Reactivity Of Incoporated Copper In Boronzsm-5 Zeolite For Methane Conversion To Higher Hydrocarbons. methane . pp. 1-10. (Unpublished)

Rahmat, Mohd Fua’ad and Chang, Wei Lam (2000) Real time cross correlator for speed measurement of particle conveying in pneumatic pipeline. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 503-515.

Ahmad, Ahmad S. and Ahmad, Hussein and Salam, Md. Abdus and Saad, Ahmad (2000) Regression technique for prediction of salt contamination severity on high voltage insulators. 2000 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1 . pp. 218-221.

Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Idil and Shaikh Salleh, Sheikh Hussain and Sha’ameri, Ahmad Zuri and AI-Attas, Syed Abdul Rahman (2000) Signal segmentation and its application in the feature extraction of speech. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 1 . pp. 265-270.

Salleh, Sh-Hussain (2000) Similarity Match (SM) technique for the development of client barcode. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 144-148.

Esa, M. and Jasman, M. R. and Subahir, S. and Mustafa, M. W. and Taha, F. and Hussin, F. (2000) Simple printed array for microwave power rectenna. TENCON 2000. Proceedings, 2 (3 vol.(xxv+536+614+527) ). pp. 217-222.

Marghany , Maged and Ibrahim , Zelina and Mohamed , Mohd Ibrahim and Mansor , Shattri (2000) Simulation of ship Speed and Direction by using TOPSAR Data. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, July, 1 . pp. 59-67. ISSN 1511-7049

Darus, Amer Nordin (2000) Streamlike function formulation of entry flow. Jurnal Mekanikal, 2 (10). pp. 73-92. ISSN 0127-3396

Salam, Md. Abdus and Ahmad, Hussein and Ahmad, Ahmad S. and Fuad, Syed Ahmad and Paul, K. C. and Tamsir, T. and Buntat, Z. and Piah, M. A. M. (2000) Study Of Creepage Distance Of The Contaminated Insulator In Correlation With Salt Deposit Density. Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, 1 . 2vol.-(xix+xiii+831).

Md. Sirat, Rozlina and Md.Tap, Masine and Mohd. Shaharoun, Awaluddin (2000) A survey report on implementation of design for assembly (DFA) in Malaysian manufacturing industries. Jurnal Mekanikal, 1 . pp. 60-75. ISSN 0127-3396

Forth, J. P. and Brooks, J. J. and Tapsir, Siti Hamisah (2000) The effect of unit water absorption on long-term movements of masonry. Cement and concrete composites , 22 (4). pp. 273-280. ISSN 0958-9465

Kawser, M. J. and Farid, N. A. (2000) Thermochemical processing of rubber waste to liquid fuel. Plastics, Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications, 29 . pp. 100-104. ISSN 0959-8111

Aris, Azmi and Siang, H. P. and Tan, K. K. (2000) Treatment of food processing industrial effluent using coagulation and sequential batch reactor. Jurnal Kejuruteraan Awam, 12 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 0128-0147

Crysdian, Cahyo and Selamat, Harihodin and Md. Sap, Mohd. Noor (2000) User access control and security model. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, 12 (2). pp. 102-116. ISSN 0128-3790

Jawaid, A. and Koksal, S. and Sharif, S. (2000) Wear behavior of PVD and CVD coated carbide tools when face milling Inconel 718. Tribology Transactions, 43 . pp. 325-331. ISSN 1547-397X (electronic) 1040-2004 (paper)

Sha'ameri, Ahmad Zuri and Salleh, Sh-Hussain (2000) Window Width Estimation And The Application Of The Windowed Wigner-Ville Distribution In The Analysis Of Heart Sounds And Murmurs. TENCON 2000. Proceedings , 2 . pp. 114-119.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Saidi, Hamdani and Mohd. Nor, Hussin and Yarmo, Mohd. Ambar (2000) XPS studies of radiation grafted PTFE-g-polystyrene sulfonic acid membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 76 . pp. 336-349.

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