Items where Division is "Chemical Engineering" and Year is 2008
Number of items: 4. CChe Man, Siti Hajjar and S. Hashim, Azanam and Md. Akil, Hazizan (2008) Properties of styrene-methyl methacrylate grafted DPNR latex at different monomer concentrations. Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 109 (1). 9 -15 . ISSN 0021-8995 FFoo, Dominic Chwan Yee and Chew, Yin Hoon and Lee, Chew Tin (2008) Minimum units targeting and network evolution for batch heat exchanger network. Applied Thermal Engineering, 28 (16). 2089 -2099. ISSN 1359-4311 NNoh, Mohamad Zaky and Hussain, Luay Bakir and Ahmad, Zainal Arifin (2008) Alumina-mild steel friction welded at lower rotational speed. Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 204 . 279-283 . ISSN 0924-0136 WWan Ibrahim, Wan Aini and Hermawan, Dadan and Hasan, Mohamed Noor and Aboul Enein, Hassan Y. and Sanagi, M. Marsin (2008) Rapid estimation of octanol-water partition coefficient for triazole fungicides by MEKC with sodium deoxycholate as surfactant. Chromatographia, 68 (5-9). 415 -419. ISSN 0009-5893 |