Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Eksplorasi dimensi Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI) sebagai alat pengukuran personaliti psiko-spiritualiti Islami

Othman, Nooraini (2011) Eksplorasi dimensi Ummatic Personality Inventory (UPI) sebagai alat pengukuran personaliti psiko-spiritualiti Islami. 'Ulum Islamiyyah Journal, 7 . ISSN 1675-5936

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The Ummatic Personality Inventory was devised within a specific framework. It intends to be an assessment tool for self-introspection (muhasabah) and self-improvement (islah). Central to this idea is the concept of one would be able to identify the area where improvements could be made as far as one’s personality as a Muslim is concerned. The instrument was developed and validated using an advanced statistical method, Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA was used to identify the underlying dimensions for each construct of the instrument. For the purpose of measuring construct validation and its reliability, data collection was conducted at two universities in Malaysia. The sample size was 588 and randomly selected. With the use of PCA, Ibadah construct produced 5 significant factors, Amanah construct generated 5 factors andIlm contruct produced 2 factors. The reliability test indicated that the instrument was reliable, given that the overall reliability value of Conbach’s Alpha was .96. In conclusion, this study produced a prototype of the Ummatic Personality Inventory which contribute to the development of a novel psychological instrument from the Islamic perspective.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion
H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
ID Code:24465
Deposited By: Dr. Nooraini Bt Othman
Deposited On:18 Apr 2012 05:42
Last Modified:23 Oct 2017 14:37

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