Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

The use of reflection mode ultrasonic transceiver sensor in pipeline inspection guage to monitor pipeline internal corrosion

Abd. Aziz, M. Azreen Firdaus and Idroas, Mariani and Zakaria, Zainal and Md. Zin, Ridhwan and Ibrahim, Muhammad Nasir (2014) The use of reflection mode ultrasonic transceiver sensor in pipeline inspection guage to monitor pipeline internal corrosion. Jurnal Teknologi, 70 (3). pp. 97-101. ISSN 0127-9696


Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11113/jt.v70.3471


Aging gas transmission pipelines are prone to internal corrosion due to the presence of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide in the natural gas constituents. Commonly, the in-line inspection tool known as Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) is applied to perform the corrosion inspection of the pipeline. This paper describes an ultrasonic instrumentation system for PIG to monitor internal corrosion of pipeline. The system consists of ultrasonic transceiver sensor, ultrasonic driving circuitry and data acquisition system. The hardware is equipped with a sensor carrier which is propelled along the test pipeline. The time of flight (TOF) of the ultrasonic wave is measured and was used to evaluate the internal corrosion of pipeline. An initial experimental instrument was set up to perform the distance measurement test at a frequency of 390 kHz, to simulate the changes of pipe wall thickness due to corrosion effect. Surface anomalies were created at different positions to simulate the changes of pipe wall thickness due to the corrosion effect. Variation in measured distances implied the existence of the surface anomalies. The results of the simulated surface anomalies showed that the percentage error was less than + 5%. The large value of average DC voltage gave indication of distance increment due to the depth of the surface anomalies. The developed ultrasonic instrumentation system is capable to monitor the internal corrosion of pipeline.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:transceiver sensor, ultrasonic
Subjects:T Technology > TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
Divisions:Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering
ID Code:63039
Deposited By: Siti Nor Hashidah Zakaria
Deposited On:07 Jun 2017 08:01
Last Modified:07 Jun 2017 08:01

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