Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

A new MPEG layer III steganography technique by changing quantized spectrum values

Bazyar, Mohsen and Sudirma, Rubita (2015) A new MPEG layer III steganography technique by changing quantized spectrum values. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10 (4). pp. 8913-8920. ISSN 0973-4562

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A new information hiding approach is proposed to hide much more information into MP3 audio file in comparison with mp3stego software in this article. The music MP3 file format because of its features such as tone quality and high compression ratio is very popular on Internet. In this proposed method, the embedding of information is concurrently accomplished during the performance of MP3 compression procedure. This approach hides secret information into audio files bymodifying some quantized spectrum values of mp3 audio file. Our proposed method causes a six-fold increase of capacity in comparison with that of mp3stego. The difference between the audio file with secret information and its original one is imperceptible.The obtained results indicate that, in this research, more characters are embedded than those hidden inpreviously-used methods. The MP3 audio formats consist of secret information which is indiscernible to human ears.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:capacity, information hiding
Subjects:T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions:Electrical Engineering
ID Code:55731
Deposited By: Practical Student
Deposited On:28 Sep 2016 03:54
Last Modified:22 Aug 2017 01:15

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