Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Energy consumption and potential retrofitting of rest and service areas (RSAS) in Malaysia case study

Zakaria, R. and Foo, K. S. and Ainee, F. and Majid Abd., M. Z. and Mohamad Zin, R. and Hainin, M. R. and Yaacob, H. and Hamzah, N. and Balubaid, S. O. and Mazlan, A. N. and Ismail, M. A. and Yazid, Y. S. and Haidar, H. and Marwar, N. (2013) Energy consumption and potential retrofitting of rest and service areas (RSAS) in Malaysia case study. In: Applied Mechanics And Materials.

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.2...


The reduction in energy usage is proven able to minimize the carbon dioxide emission. By promoting energy efficient practices at Rest and Service areas (RSAs) along the highway, it is able to decreasing the carbon dioxide emission. This paper highlights the outcome of a study aims to compare the energy consumption of the RSA that utilized HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and non-HVAC. Thus, the study extends to determine the potential retrofitting of RSAs that responsive to more energy reduction. Data collection conducted at the 6 RSAs in PLUS highway, Johor Region of Malaysia which are Pagoh RSA (Northbound & Southbound), Machap (Northbound & Southbound), and Gelang Patah (Northbound & Southbound). The results show that the energy consumption at Machap Northbound RSA is considered very high in comparison to the other RSAs in Johor Region that not utilized full HVAC. Thus, it was proven that the usage of full HVAC system contributing to the increase of energy consumption at the RSA. Simultaneously, the carbon emission is also directional proportion to the energy consumption at the RSAs. Some retrofitting is potential to be applied for more energy efficiency in order to support the maximum energy reduction at the RSAs. In example, reducing the number of air-condition unit at the café is significant to be taken to reduce energy wastage for all 6 RSAs. In conclusion, energy efficient RSAs can be achieved by applying good energy management, installing best energy saving appliance and implementing passive design strategy.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:energy consumption
Subjects:T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions:Civil Engineering
ID Code:51040
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:27 Jan 2016 01:53
Last Modified:17 Sep 2017 06:12

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