Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Critical issue to consider while developing SQL injection prevention mechanism

Aliero, Muhammad Saidu and Ghani, Imran and Khan, Muhammad Murad and Nkima, L. H. (2015) Critical issue to consider while developing SQL injection prevention mechanism. In: 1st International Conference on Science, Engineering and the Social Science (ICSESS 2015), 11-13 May, 2015, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.


Official URL: http://www.icsess.utm.my/download/ICSESS_2015_Book...


SQL injection vulnerability is the one of the most common web-based application vulnerabilities that can be exploited by SQL injection attack to gain access to restricted data, bypass authentication mechanism and execute unauthorized data manipulation language. Defensive coding is the simple and affordable way to tackle this problem, by applying secure coding in each an every queries used in application. In this paper we provide a detailed background of SQLI attack, we classify defensive coding into different categories, review existing techniques that are related to each technique, and also evaluate such techniques based on number of attacks they were able to stop.We also evaluated each category of approach based on it's deployment requirement related to inheritance. Currently, to the best of our knowledge no papers have classied defensive coding as we do.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:parameter, defensive coding
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
ID Code:63436
Deposited By: Fazli Masari
Deposited On:30 May 2017 03:39
Last Modified:30 May 2017 03:39

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