Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Impact load theory - a new theory in pile driving and its compatibility study compared to hiley and case methods

Yekong, Wai (2006) Impact load theory - a new theory in pile driving and its compatibility study compared to hiley and case methods. In: 6th Asia-Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 5-6 September 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Official URL: http://civil.utm.my/apsec2015/about-apsec/


Modern pile driving and testing methods presently involved two fundamental theories, i.e. Impulse-Momentum Theory and Wave Mechanics Theory which have been popular and widely accepted since 1930s and 1960s. In 2000s, a new theory called Impact Load Theory, was proposed as an advancement of technology to both existing theories in modern pile driving and testing. This paper presents the compatibility study of the new theory to both existing theories. This new theory has led to the development of Y-Bearing Method in analytical and measurement models. Technically, analytical model of Y-Bearing is compatible to the well known Hiley Method (based on impulse-momentum theory). In addition, measurement model of YBearing is compatible to Case Method (based on wave mechanics theory). This new technology enables the engineers to implement Y-Bearing Method during the pre-piling stage using its analytical model to complement the results based on Hiley Method and subsequently apply its measurement model during piling stage to compliment the results based on Case Method.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Piling; driving; Hiley Method; Case Method; Y-Bearing Method
Subjects:T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions:Civil Engineering
ID Code:605
Deposited By: Norazila Safri
Deposited On:16 Feb 2007 09:02
Last Modified:28 Aug 2017 04:37

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