Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

An integral equation method for conformal mapping of doubly connected regions involving the Kerzman-Stein kernel

Murid, Ali H. M. and Hu, Laey-Nee and Mohamad, Mohd Nor (2007) An integral equation method for conformal mapping of doubly connected regions involving the Kerzman-Stein kernel. In: ICoMS2007, 28-29 June 2007, IIS, UTM. (Submitted)

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We present an integral equation method for conformal mapping of doubly connected regions onto a unit disc with circular slit of radius m < 1. Our theoretical development is based on the boundary integral equation for conformal mapping of doubly connected region derived by Murid and Razali. In this paper, using the boundary relationship satisfied by the mapping function, a related system of Fredholm integral equation is constructed, provided m is assume known. For numerical experiment, the integral equation is discretized which leads to a system of linear equations. Numerical implementation on a circular annulus is also presented.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Conformal mapping; Integral equation; Doubly connected region; Kerzman-Stein kernel
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics
ID Code:3832
Deposited By: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Hassan Mohamed Murid
Deposited On:26 Jun 2007 03:35
Last Modified:08 Aug 2017 08:37

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