Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

On Some Problems in Group Theory of Probabilistic Nature

Mohd. Ali, Nor Muhainiah and Sarmin, Nor Haniza (2010) On Some Problems in Group Theory of Probabilistic Nature. Menemui Matematik (Discovering Mathematics), 32 (2). pp. 35-41. ISSN 2231-7023

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Official URL: http://math.upm.edu.my/dismath/paper/2010/MM%20v.3...


The determination of the abelianness of a nonabelian group has been introduced for symmetric groups by Erdos and Turan in 1968. In 1973, Gustafson did the same for finite groups while MacHale determined the abelianness for finite rings in 1974. Basic probability theory will be used in connection with group theory. This paper will focus on the 2-generator 2-groups of nilpotency class 2 based on the classification that has been done by Kappe et.al in 1999. In this paper some results on Pn(G), the probability that the nth power of a random element in a group G commutes with another random element from the same group, will be presented.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:probabilistic nature, symmetric
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics
ID Code:38011
Deposited On:14 May 2014 06:25
Last Modified:03 Mar 2017 05:49

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