Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Common Sub-Expression Identification Strategy for MQO

Zakaria, Nor Hawaniah and Sahibuddin, Shamsul and Selamat, Harihodin (2006) Common Sub-Expression Identification Strategy for MQO. In: Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar 2006 (PARS 2006), 24 - 25 Mei 2006, Postgraduate Studies Department FSKSM, UTM Skudai.

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In query optimization, a query can be executed with different strategies, known as execution plan. The query optimizer will determine the best execution plan for a single query. However, when there are more than one query to be executed together, the locally optimal strategies for single queries may not be the best choice for obtaining a globally optimal execution cost. This will require for a multiple query optimizer that is able to select an alternative plan for each query in order to obtain an optimal global execution plan for the multiple queries. An optimal global plan can be obtained in two ways, by using an admissible heuristic with the search algorithms or by decreasing the number of search space through reducing the number of alternative plans generated. In generating alternative plans, the number and quality of the alternative plans produced are the major factors that will determine the performance of multiple-query optimization. In this paper, we propose the sharing opportunities for identifying the common sub-expressions.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Query optimization, multiple query optimization, alternative plan, common tasks, global optimal plan
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:3344
Deposited By: Mrs Rozilawati Dollah @ Md Zain
Deposited On:23 May 2007 04:16
Last Modified:24 Aug 2017 04:31

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