Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Framework of human behavior to mitigate the insider threat

Badawi, Jihad Wajeeh (2013) Framework of human behavior to mitigate the insider threat. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Computer Science and Information System.



Insider threat is rapidly becoming the largest information security problem that organizations face. With granted access to internal systems, it is becoming increasingly harder to protect organizations from malicious insiders. The typical methods of mitigating insider threat are simply not working, primarily because insider threat is a people problem which is problematic at best. The insider threat problem is more elusive and perplexing than any other threat. Assessing the insider threat is the first step to determine the likelihood of any insider threat. Technical solutions do not suffice since insider threats are fundamentally a people issue. Therefore the aims of this research are to identify countermeasures addressing Insider Threat, as well as improve the behavior of end users by knows the factors that influence human behavior in order to mitigate the insider threat and to propose new a Framework of Human Behavior to limit or Mitigate the Insider Threat. In this research the questionnaires was distributed to the employees and one of the expert in CICT, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, after distributing the questionnaires data was collected and analyzed by using (SPSS) program, and finally by getting the result of questionnaires, comments and suggestions from the expert the new framework of human behavior to mitigate the insider threat was proposed.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information:Thesis (Sarjana Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Maklumat)) - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2013; Supervisor : Dr. Norafida Ithnin
Uncontrolled Keywords:data protection, risk management, computer security
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:33180
Deposited By: Kamariah Mohamed Jong
Deposited On:02 Oct 2013 06:52
Last Modified:11 Sep 2017 00:44

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