Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Review on flow controls for vehicles aerodynamic drag reduction.

Mariaprakasam, Rafiqi Daniel Ramadhan and Mat, Shabudin and Mohd. Samin, Pakharuddin and Othman, Norazila and Ab Wahid, Mastura and Said, Mazuriah (2023) Review on flow controls for vehicles aerodynamic drag reduction. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 101 (1). pp. 11-36. ISSN 2289-7879

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.37934/arfmts.101.1.1136


Reducing aerodynamic drag in automobiles has been one of the focuses in automotive industry as it will increase vehicles performance and reduce power consumption which subsequently save the environment. Drag is a force that tend to pull the vehicle backwards. Pressure drag is the major contributor to drag of vehicle which caused by lower pressure in the rear area compared to front of vehicle. When vehicle moves forward, the stagnation point occurs in the front part of vehicle. The airflow then goes over the vehicle and separate at the back due to adverse pressure gradient. Thus, flow separation is created in the rear area of vehicle as indicated by the wake. Wake is a low-pressure region that need to be shrink so that the pressure difference between the front and rear could be reduced to minimize the drag. Flow control is introduced to delay this flow separation and it has been categorized as active and passive. Active flow controls require power input while passive flow controls do not need power input. This review article will explore those studies on flow controls applied in automobiles and investigate their working mechanisms along with research gaps detected. Relative comparison of effectiveness for each flow control is unfeasible as the parameters used differs but this problem can be resolved. Standard parameters need to be used in future researches in order address the discrepancy of results obtained from numerous studies around the globe. A current flow control technique is proposed to be conducted in UTM Aerolab to further investigate this interesting flow field.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Aerodynamics; automotive; flow control.
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering - School of Electrical
ID Code:106174
Deposited By: Muhamad Idham Sulong
Deposited On:10 Jun 2024 06:33
Last Modified:10 Jun 2024 06:33

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