Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Development of teaching intellectual social-emotional learning model in strengthening pre-service teacher.

Boeriswati, Endry and Sengkey, A. R. J. and Kamin, Yusri and Arung, Fernandes and Prayitno, Harun Joko and Syarfuni, Syarfuni (2023) Development of teaching intellectual social-emotional learning model in strengthening pre-service teacher. Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities, 6 (6). pp. 478-487. ISSN 2589-7799

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Introduction: Social-emotional skills effectively contributed to teachers' academic intelligence to strengthen 21st-century skills Objectives: The research aims to develop a teaching intellectual, social-emotional learning model on the design thinking course's first semester courses of the teacher profession program and determine the feasibility of the developed learning model. Method: The research method used is the ADDIE development model developed by Lee and Owens (2004) consists of analysis, design, development and implementation, and evaluation. The model trial is used to determine the feasibility of the model. At the same time, the effectiveness of it strengthening the teaching profession is measured by performance tests and tested by the statistical gain score formula. The model trial subjects were 123 students of the teacher profession program state of Jakarta University. Result: The results showed that the TISEL model effectively strengthens teachers to become humanists with a strong desire; creative to find new information learning; wise in making decisions, and friendly to the students. So, the designed model is effective in developing teachers‘ profession. Conclusion: it can be concluded that teaching intellectual, social-emotional learning model effectively strengthens pre-service teachers‘ to build empathy, emotion, and teamwork.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:educator character; Intellectual; prospective teachers; social-emotional learning.
Subjects:L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1050.9-1091 Educational psychology
ID Code:105961
Deposited By: Muhamad Idham Sulong
Deposited On:26 May 2024 09:34
Last Modified:26 May 2024 09:34

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