Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

A review: Recent development of natural fiber-reinforced polymer nanocomposites

Wong, Dominick and Anwar, Mahmood and Debnath, Sujan and Abdul Hamid, Abdul Hamid and Izman, S. (2021) A review: Recent development of natural fiber-reinforced polymer nanocomposites. JOM, 73 (8). pp. 2504-2515. ISSN 1047-4838

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11837-021-04749-0


In recent years, there has been a rising awareness on non-renewable resources and environmental sustainability. This has bolstered researchers’ efforts to design more environmentally friendly materials with a focus on sustainability, and transitioning from the use of synthetic to natural materials. Natural fibers can potentially be an alternative to synthetic fibers as reinforcement materials, used in various industries. However, a comprehensive investigation is necessary in order to understand in depth of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites development towards nanocomposites. Therefore, this review article outlines the recent development of polymeric composites materials with the use of natural fibers and nanomaterials in this review. The incorporation of natural fibers, fillers and nanomaterials has been shown to improve polymers’ mechanical properties, microwave and sound absorption as well as additional quality such as flame retardation. Emphasis has been placed on the use of oil palm fibers and cellulose nanocrystals as fillers. Their applications, future prospects together with the main challenge in fabricating nanocomposites are also presented.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:natural fiber reinforced polymer, recent development
Subjects:T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
Divisions:Mechanical Engineering
ID Code:97674
Deposited By: Widya Wahid
Deposited On:25 Oct 2022 10:34
Last Modified:25 Oct 2022 10:34

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