Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

The relationship between hr competencies and organizational performance in the banking sector in Nigeria

Choi, Sang Long and Goh, Chin Fei and Amechi, Uti Charles and Tan, Owee Kowang (2018) The relationship between hr competencies and organizational performance in the banking sector in Nigeria. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 8 (1). pp. 217-235. ISSN 2162-3058

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5296/ijhrs.v8i1.12495


This study investigated the relationship between HR competencies and organizational performance by adapting the Ulrich HR Role Model. The study also examined HR competencies such as strategic positioner, credible activist, capability builder, change champion, HR innovator/integrator, technology proponent and project facilitator. The research is based on 215 HR professionals from 20 consolidated banks located in South-West Nigeria. A quantitative approach was used for the analysis. The findings revealed that all HR competencies also have significant correlation with organizational performance. Furthermore, competency such as strategic positioner and technology proponent provide most impact to organizational performance.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:HR competencies, organizational performance, technology proponent
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
ID Code:86798
Deposited By: Yanti Mohd Shah
Deposited On:30 Sep 2020 09:08
Last Modified:30 Sep 2020 09:08

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