Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Managing sustainable development through planning conditions

Johar, Foziah and Yaakup, Ahris and Che Man, Noordini and Sulaiman, Susilawati (2006) Managing sustainable development through planning conditions. In: The 5th International Seminar on Sustainable Environment Architecture, 9 –10 March 2006, Sapphire Hall, GoodHope Hotel, Johor, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

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Sustainable development has added to the range of issues included in the mediation of interests with which the planning system is engaged. It is indeed arguable that in the planning system the concept of sustainable development has been adopted more firmly on a statutory basis than in other field. This does not necessarily means that a systematic transformation of the planning agenda has occurred. Despite the improved development plan, the planning system is still underpinned by a presumption in favour of development which to some is a sign of inherent contradiction with sustainable development. Several areas of actions should therefore be considered in the local planning strategy to achieve a more radical approach to environmental sustainability. These include conservation, shaping the locational pattern of development and accommodating environmentally desirable qualities in all development. This paper considers how far local planning authorities through their development control powers are likely to fulfil this role. This paper examines the conditions which accompanied planning approval to determine the extent of control pertaining to environmental aspects. The results indicate the lack of consideration given to environmental related matters compared to the traditional concerns of land use planning . Finally the paper discusses the constraint of the present system and prospects to facilitate the achievement of sustainable development.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:sustainable development, planning system, development control, planning approval, environmental
Subjects:N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions:Built Environment
ID Code:812
Deposited By: Harlina Abdullah @ Abd Halim
Deposited On:22 Feb 2007 03:35
Last Modified:06 Sep 2017 04:43

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