Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Investigation on graphene based multilayer thin film patch antenna

Abdullah, N. and Jizat, N. M. and Rahim, S. K. A. and Sabran, M. I. and Zaman, M. (2016) Investigation on graphene based multilayer thin film patch antenna. In: 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2016, 10 April 2016 through 15 April 2016, Davos; Switzerland.

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Graphene has been an interesting discovery for the next generation electronic material due to promising thermal, mechanical, electrical, chemical and thermal properties. As a platform to RF application, graphene plays an important candidate in antenna thin film development. Thin-films use less material and the active area is usually only 1 to 10 micrometers thick. Thus, it has been good candidate for antenna development for future 2.4GHz Inter/Intra-Vehicle in Intelligent Transport System (ITS) network. Multilayer graphene will reduce the sheet resistance thus will increase the conductivity. This paper presents the investigation on different concentrations of thin film graphene coated patch antenna on flame retardant-4 (FR-4) glass epoxy aimed to operate at 2.45GHz. Uniformity of number of layer of graphene antenna has been carried out and effect of 15mg/ml coated graphene towards antenna performance is being investigated. The results shows that graphene provide promising uniformity, return loss, radiation pattern and gain.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:antenna, graphene, ITS, thin film
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions:Electrical Engineering
ID Code:73253
Deposited By: Muhammad Atiff Mahussain
Deposited On:18 Nov 2017 00:46
Last Modified:18 Nov 2017 00:46

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