Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Kinetic and dynamic analysis of hydrogen-enrichment mixtures in combustor systems - a review paper

Davazdah Emami, S. and Kasmani, R. M. and Hamid, M. D. and Che Hassan, C. R. and Mokhtar, K. M. (2016) Kinetic and dynamic analysis of hydrogen-enrichment mixtures in combustor systems - a review paper. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62 . pp. 1072-1082. ISSN 1364-0321

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Based on recent developments, hydrogen-based combustion systems have received wide attention, mainly due to increasing awareness of enduring environmental pollutants and restricted access to fossil fuel usage. In the relevant literature, there are evidences of the possibilities on the partial or total replacement of hydrocarbon fuels with hydrogen in power plants and vehicle engines. However, some challenging issues particularly on hydrogen storage are remained to be resolved. This paper reviews and comments on addressing the effectiveness of hydrogen-enrichment on the engines and burners' performance includes the chemical kinetic analysis, the flame propagation structures and the effects of inhibitors on global burning velocity of hydrogen-hydrocarbon mixtures in different combustion bombs, chambers and vessels. It is recommended that future researches should aim towards the different application of hydrogen-hydrocarbon i.e. transportation and clean energy carrier.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Chemical analysis, Combustion, Engines, Fossil fuel power plants, Fossil fuels, Fuel burners, Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Mixtures, Burning velocity, Combustion systems, Environmental pollutants, Flame propagation, Hydrocarbon fuel, Hydrocarbon mixture, Hydrogen enrichment, Kinetic analysis, Hydrogen storage
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering
ID Code:72159
Deposited By: Fazli Masari
Deposited On:23 Nov 2017 04:17
Last Modified:23 Nov 2017 04:17

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