Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

The effects of direct sunlight on light shelf performance under tropical sky

Lim, Yaik-Wah and Ahmad, Mohd Hamdan (2015) The effects of direct sunlight on light shelf performance under tropical sky. Indoor And Built Environment, 24 (6). pp. 788-802. ISSN 1420-326X

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1420326X14536066


As daylight is dynamic, there is no one common solution for all scenarios. Understanding of sky conditions is the fundamental to effective daylighting. It is more critical in tropical climate where the sky is predominantly intermediate with inconsistent presence of direct sunlight (DSL). Thereby, daylighting performances of several light shelf configurations were experimented with physical scaled model under actual tropical sky conditions. External illuminance and indoor work plane illuminance (WPI) levels were measured concurrently in a reference model and a test model for comparisons. Daylight ratio or daylight factor and WPI uniformity ratio were computed for analysis. From the results, different optimum cases were identified for various sky conditions. Light shelves performed the best under intermediate sky with DSL from low angle. The highest improvement in WPI at deep room area and WPI uniformity were 24.87% and 364.96%, respectively. The performances of light shelves under overcast sky were better than light shelf under intermediate sky without DSL. This paper concluded that designing light shelf by responding to changeable sky conditions and DSL is more crucial than considering the façade orientations. Dynamic light shelf was proposed to configure the optimum cases for each tropical sky conditions.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:daylight availability, field measurement, physical scaled model, visual comfort
Subjects:N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9000-9284 City planning
Divisions:Built Environment
ID Code:58930
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:04 Dec 2016 04:07
Last Modified:02 Sep 2021 12:49

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