Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Transparent antenna design for wireless access point application

Azini, A. S. and Kamarudin, M. R. and Rahman, T. A. and Rahim, S. K. A. and Rani, M. S. A. (2013) Transparent antenna design for wireless access point application. In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium.

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In this paper, transparent monopole antenna using AgHT-4 film has been presented. The radiating element and ground plane are both designed using AgHT-4 while the substrate is made of glass. By having a suitable arc-shape slot on the ground plane, a wide impedance bandwidth of 41.89% (2.00GHz to 3.06GHz) that cover WLAN system in the 2.4GHz has been obtained. The transparent antenna provides gain of 3.16dBi.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:antenna
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions:Electrical Engineering
ID Code:51380
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:27 Jan 2016 01:53
Last Modified:20 Aug 2017 04:37

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