Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Students perceptions of using educational games to learn introductory programming

Ibrahim, Roslina and Che Mohd Yusoff, Rasimah and Mohamed@Omar, Hasiah and Jaafar, Azizah (2011) Students perceptions of using educational games to learn introductory programming. Computer and Information Science, 4 (1). ISSN 1913-8989

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Educational computer games studies experienced rapid growth due to the belief that games can offer various learning benefits being highly popular among younger generations. Programming is considered a challenging subject by students and teachers, consequently students feel less motivated to learn it. It is important to know how educational games can help to enhance our student’s motivation and learning perceptions towards Programming. This paper discusses the authors’ pilot study of undergraduate students’ perceptions towards using educational games as their learning medium using five constructs: motivation, attitudes, cognitive development, interface and expectation with 24 items. The findings indicated that most students had encouraging positive attitudes and were more motivated to learn Programming using games compared to conventional methods. The findings are hopefully will help to enrich knowledge in understanding students’ perceptions regarding educational games for learning, particularly in the Malaysian context.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:educational game, programming, perception
Subjects:L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:12371
Deposited By: Roslina Ibrahim
Deposited On:26 May 2011 04:37
Last Modified:26 May 2011 04:37

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