Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Wireless farm management system (WIFARM)

Rusiman, Siti Norjihan (2008) Wireless farm management system (WIFARM). Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Computer Science and Information System.


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Malaysia is focusing to enhanced new source of wealth, which is agriculture. Through the development of this sector, a system to manage record and data is important to smoothen the management process. Therefore, Wireless Farm Management System focuses on the management system on the cattle and sheep livestock farm. This system allows farm management by the fingertips and also using paperless concept. Livestock farm can also implement Good Animal Husbandry Practices that accredited from the Department of Veterinary. With a right management, record can be easily checked, and help to reduce mistake and workforce. Wifarm system development is using Rational Unified Process as system methodology. System can allow the livestock farmer in order to manage daily activity and record.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information:Supervisor : Dr. Asri bin Mohd. Ngadi
Uncontrolled Keywords:Wireless Farm Management System, agriculture, livestock farm
Subjects:S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:9464
Deposited By: Narimah Nawil
Deposited On:24 Nov 2009 01:50
Last Modified:19 Jul 2018 01:38

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