Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Language learning styles of engineering and non-engineering students at private institution of higher education in Malaysia

Abdul Razak, Noor Zainab and Nordin, Latipah (2016) Language learning styles of engineering and non-engineering students at private institution of higher education in Malaysia. Man in India, 96 (1-2). pp. 567-578. ISSN 0025-1569

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Each student is unique one from the other in many ways. One of them is processing of information where some prefer to do it through reading, watching video and many other ways. In addition, many interesting and variety of finding from studies on learning styles have attracted the researchers to find out learning styles of different sample which is the students of engineering of technology. Thus, this study is looking into the learning styles employed by the undergraduates of engineering technology and non-engineering technology at a private university in Johor and secondly, to find if there is any relationship between learning styles and course of study, working experience, latest qualification and between students who come from rural or urban area. The respondents were semester one students (n = 257 students) and in order to determine their learning styles, VARK questionnaire was administered. The data was analyzed to find any relationship between learning styles and the independent variables. The study found that majority of the students, either engineering or non-engineering preferred reading style, followed by audio, kinesthetic and visual. This finding could be a result of their background and other factors. It is hoped that the results will provide information to the lecturers on the students learning styles which can assist them to prepare teaching and learning activities that suit the students.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Engineering technology, Learning style, Place of living (urban/rural), Program of study, Qualification, VARK learning style, Working experience
Subjects:P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions:Language Academy
ID Code:74128
Deposited By: Siti Nor Hashidah Zakaria
Deposited On:28 Nov 2017 05:01
Last Modified:28 Nov 2017 05:01

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