Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Metabolomics-based prediction models of yeast strains for screening of metabolites contributing to ethanol stress tolerance

Hashim, Z. and Fukusaki, E. (2016) Metabolomics-based prediction models of yeast strains for screening of metabolites contributing to ethanol stress tolerance. In: 5th International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, ICCBPE 2015, 9 December 2015 through 12 December 2015, Sabah; Malaysia.

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The increased demand for clean, sustainable and renewable energy resources has driven the development of various microbial systems to produce biofuels. One of such systems is the ethanol-producing yeast. Although yeast produces ethanol naturally using its native pathways, production yield is low and requires improvement for commercial biofuel production. Moreover, ethanol is toxic to yeast and thus ethanol tolerance should be improved to further enhance ethanol production. In this study, we employed metabolomics-based strategy using 30 single-gene deleted yeast strains to construct multivariate models for ethanol tolerance and screen metabolites that relate to ethanol sensitivity/tolerance. The information obtained from this study can be used as an input for strain improvement via metabolic engineering.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Biochemical engineering, Biofuels, Energy resources, Metabolic engineering, Metabolites, Renewable energy resources Strain, Yeast
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Chemical Engineering
ID Code:73188
Deposited By: Muhammad Atiff Mahussain
Deposited On:27 Nov 2017 09:02
Last Modified:27 Nov 2017 09:02

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