Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Mechanical and thermal properties of organosolv lignin/sodium dodecyl sulphate binary agent-treated polypropylene/chitosan composites

Tanjung, F. A. and Husseinsyah, S. and Hussin, K. and Hassan, A. (2016) Mechanical and thermal properties of organosolv lignin/sodium dodecyl sulphate binary agent-treated polypropylene/chitosan composites. Polymer Bulletin, 73 (5). pp. 1427-1445. ISSN 0170-0839

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The effects of filler content and chemical treatment on mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene–chitosan composites were investigated. Filler chemical treatment was carried out by reacting chitosan with organosolv lignin/sodium dodecyl sulphate binary modifying agents under mild condition. Filler–matrix interfacial adhesion enhanced considerably in presence of the binary agent that effectively modified the chitosan surface, leading to increased tensile and impact strength of the composites. Even though the chemical treatments did not change the thermal degradation mechanism of the composites, the obtained results exhibited that the treated composites had better thermal properties than the untreated composites. These finding implies that organosolv lignin-containing binary modifying agents could be a potential reagent to replace synthetic modifying agents.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Bins, Chitin, Chitosan, Degradation, Fillers, Impact strength, Lignin, Mechanical properties, Thermodynamic properties, Chemical treatments, Chitosan composites, Dodecyl sulphate, Interfacial adhesions, Mechanical and thermal properties, Modifying agents, Organosolv lignin, Thermal degradation mechanism, Polypropylenes
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Chemical Engineering
ID Code:72592
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:27 Nov 2017 04:03
Last Modified:27 Nov 2017 04:03

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