Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

The relationship between urban street networks and private motorized trips at the city level

Moeinaddini, M. and Asadi-Shekari, Z. and Sultan, Z. and Zaly Shah, M. and Hamzah, A. (2016) The relationship between urban street networks and private motorized trips at the city level. Transportation Planning and Technology, 39 (6). pp. 612-623. ISSN 0308-1060

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There are factors that impact car usage in urban areas, such as density, diversity and design, but there have been few studies that examine the relationship between street network factors and car usage at the city level (macro level). This paper focuses on this relationship by introducing urban street network variables, such as blocks per area, nodes per block and length of roads and motorways, as independent variables and the percentage of daily trips by private motorized modes as the dependent variable. The street network in this study includes interconnecting lines and points that present streets, roads, motorways, intersections and blocks. The strength of the relationship in this study is found using multiple linear regression. The findings of this research indicate that an increase in car usage is correlated with an increasing number of blocks per area, number of nodes per block and length of motorways. In addition, because the urban street network is the result of macro-scale planning decisions, considering this relationship can lead to better planning decisions.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Linear regression, Transportation, Urban planning, Multiple linear regressions, private car usage, Street network, Street pattern, Urban transport, Urban transportation, car use, decision support system, multiple regression, planning method, transportation infrastructure, transportation planning, travel behavior, urban area, urban transport
Subjects:T Technology > TH Building construction > TH434-437 Quantity surveying
Divisions:Built Environment
ID Code:72191
Deposited By: Fazli Masari
Deposited On:22 Nov 2017 12:07
Last Modified:22 Nov 2017 12:07

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