Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

ZnO coated nanoparticles based on acrylic copolymer for protecting historic calcareous stone monuments

Ahmed, Sayed M. and Al-Dosari, Mohammad A. and Al-Mouallimi, Nadia and Kamal, Hussein M. and Mohamed, Wael S. and Elmarzugi, Nagib Ali (2015) ZnO coated nanoparticles based on acrylic copolymer for protecting historic calcareous stone monuments. In: Seventh International Conference on Nano-Technology in Construction, 27-31 March, 2015, Egypt.

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Historical calcareous stone surfaces may undergo unwanted changes due to the exposure to many physical and chemical deterioration factors. This paper evaluates the use of zinc oxide nanoparticles, dispersed in a laboratorial prepared acrylic copolymer [polyethylmethacrylate/methylacrylate (70:30) (Poly EMA/MA)], as a nanocomposite coating material with hydrophobic, consolidating and protecting properties against artificial aging by relative humidity/temperature, UV radiation and dirt accumulation. The obtained nanocomposites have been characterized by transimition electron microscopy (TEM) to ensure the homogenous dispersion of ZnO nanoparticles in the polymer matrix and the average crystal size. Marble stone blocks have been prepared and coated by the nanocomposite material, the efficiency of the treatments has been evaluated after coating and artificial aging, through capillary water absorption, Ultraviolet-light exposure to evaluate photo-induced and the hydrophobic effects of the coated surface. Thermal aging, colorimetric measurements have been performed to evaluate the optical appearance. All the results confirmed that the nanocomposite coating enhanced the durability of stone surfaces toward UV aging, and improved their resistance to relative humidity and temperature compared to the samples coated with the acrylic polymer without ZnO nanoparticles.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:ZnO nanoparticles, acrylic polymeric
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Chemical Engineering
ID Code:63474
Deposited By: Widya Wahid
Deposited On:30 May 2017 05:04
Last Modified:10 Aug 2017 04:53

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