Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol- glycerol mixture through steam and dry reforming

Zakaria, Z. Y. and Jusoh, M. and Johari, A. and Tuan Abdullah, T. A. and Hassim, M. H. and Kidam, K. and Kamaruddin, M. J. and Wan Sulaiman, W. R. (2015) Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol- glycerol mixture through steam and dry reforming. In: 2nd International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, MIMEC2015, 4-6 Feb, 2015, Bali, Indonesia.

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Thermodynamic properties of ethanol-glycerol steam and dry reforming have been studied with the method of Gibbs free energy minimization for hydrogen production. Equilibrium compositions were determined as a function of H2O/ethanol-glycerol molar ratios (WEG)(1:1-12:1) for ethanol-glycerol steam reforming and CO2/ethanol-glycerol molar ratios (CEG)(1:1-12:1) for ethanol-glycerol dry reforming where ethanol-glycerol is 1:1; reforming temperatures at 573-1273 K and 1 bar pressure. Production trends for H2, CO, CO2 and C were compared between both steam and dry glycerol reforming. Steam reforming (WEG 1:1) produced the highest H2 (4.2 kmol) at 1173K. Dry reforming produced higher CO and CO2 compared to steam reforming. Higher WEG and CEG ratio did not encourage hydrogen formation. Carbon formation could be thermodynamically inhibited better when steam reforming is employed.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:steam reforming, hydrogen production
Subjects:T Technology > TP Chemical technology
Divisions:Chemical Engineering
ID Code:63412
Deposited By: Fazli Masari
Deposited On:30 May 2017 03:25
Last Modified:30 May 2017 03:25

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