Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Review on liver inflammation and antiinflammatory activity of andrographis paniculata for hepatoprotection

Chua, Lee Suan (2014) Review on liver inflammation and antiinflammatory activity of andrographis paniculata for hepatoprotection. Phytotherapy Research, 28 (11). p. 1598. ISSN 0951-418X

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ptr.5193


Till to date, the advancement ofmedical science and technology is still unable to provide inclusive treatment to liver inflammation caused by neither microbial invasion nor antibiotics nor environmental toxins. Therefore, this article provides the basic knowledge of liver inflammation up to the cellular level and its current medical treatment for inflammatory symptom suppression. Because of the adverse effects of drug treatment, people start looking for comprehensive alternative nowadays. Herbal medicine is believed to be the best of choice because it is being practiced until now for centuries. Although numerous herbal plants have been reported for their efficacies in liver protection, Andrographis paniculata is the most widely used herb for hepatoprotection, particularly in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. This review covers the significant observation on the biochemical responses due to the experimental induction of liver damage in vitro and in vivo using the marker compound of the herb, namely andrographolide and its derivatives. The standardized extract of A. paniculata with the right phytochemical composition of diterpenic labdanes is likely to have tremendous potential for the development of hepatoprotective medicine. This standardized herbal medicine may not provide immediate remedy, but it can be considered as a comprehensive therapy for liver inflammation.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:hepatoprotection, liver inflammation
Subjects:T Technology > TX Home economics
Divisions:Chemical Engineering
ID Code:62477
Deposited By: Widya Wahid
Deposited On:15 Jun 2017 01:05
Last Modified:15 Jun 2017 01:05

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