Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

THRD: Threshold-based hierarchical resource discovery for Grid environments

MollaMotalebi, Mahdi and Maghami, Raheleh and Ismail, Abdul Samad (2015) THRD: Threshold-based hierarchical resource discovery for Grid environments. Computing, 97 (5). pp. 439-458. ISSN 0010-485X

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00607-014-0427-4


The resource discovery is one of the most important services in Grid systems because providing the resources is critical to handle the applications. But some inherent characteristics of Grid environments such as large-scale and dynamicity make the resource discovery a challenging task. The hierarchical structure is widely used in Grid resource discovery but it suffers from high message load especially in upper level indexing nodes. This paper proposes a technique to reduce the message load of upper level indexing nodes in the hierarchical resource discovery. It applies a threshold value for in-process messages of indexing nodes to limit the queries passed to upper levels. The queries are checked in the sibling nodes of current level when they are not allowed to be passed to the parent node.The proposed technique is simulated in GridSim and experimented by different configurations of threshold values and number of Grid nodes. The experimental results showed that the proposed technique is able to reduce the message load of indexing nodes as 21.2 % however it also affects negatively on the response time of issued resource queries as 19.3 %. Therefore, the proposed technique is an appropriate solution for the applications with priority of lower message loads relative to the response time.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:grid computing, hierarchical
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics
ID Code:59024
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:04 Dec 2016 04:07
Last Modified:01 Feb 2017 01:23

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