Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Gender preferences and Instagram hashtag usage on #Malaysianfood

Zhang, Ye (2015) Gender preferences and Instagram hashtag usage on #Malaysianfood. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Management.


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Launched in October 2010, Instagram has become one of the popular mobile based photo-sharing platforms. Hashtags on Instagram are normally used for classifying post category, adding detailed information, building social connection and expressing feeling or experiences. Based on the limited study on hashtag usage and expanding existing online gender behavior literature, this study applied uses and gratification theory to investigate gender difference in hashtag use on Instagram. It also classifies hashtags into informative and emotional, as well as positive and negative hashtags. The population of the study was photo posts on Instagram with #Malaysianfood. Using content analysis technique methods, photos posted using #Malaysianfood were selected as the sample of this study. The results showed a significant difference between male and female in informative and emotional hashtags selection. Compared to female, male uses more informative hashtags in their post. Besides, this study found that compared to male, female uses more positive hashtag in the post. This study found a strong and positive relationship between number of hashtags and number of followers, as well as number of hashtag and number of ‘likes’. Academically, this study adds to the limited literature on Instagram and application of hashtags. This study also suggests a new method to measure satisfaction using hashtags from users. From industry perspective, findings of this study could assist the restaurant operators for better understanding of customers’ needs and promotional activities.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information:Thesis (Sarjana Pengurusan (Teknologi)) - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2015; Supervisor : Dr. Noor Hazarina Hashim
Uncontrolled Keywords:instagram, Malaysian food
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD30.2 Knowledge management
ID Code:53971
Deposited By: Fazli Masari
Deposited On:06 Apr 2016 08:06
Last Modified:11 Oct 2020 07:51

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