Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Community supporting attitude toward community-based tourism development; non-participants perspective

Ebrahimi, Sajad and Khalifah, Zainab (2014) Community supporting attitude toward community-based tourism development; non-participants perspective. Asian Social Science, 10 (17). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1911-2017


Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ass.v10n17p29


Non-participants in a host community play a vital role in the success of that destination. Community participation issues in a destination may propel a community to fail in their relations, businesses and attachments. In addition, there is a bias toward participants rather than non-participants in previous studies and non-participants in tourism activities have been neglected, therefore this study aims to investigate the supporting behavior of those non-participants and tries to identify factors discourage local people to participate in Community-Based Tourism activities by using a qualitative local participation approach. The results indicate the existence of a wide range of factors including; relation with current participants; time and capital limitations; religious and cultural sensitivities; envious sensitivities and communication barriers effect local participation in community-based tourism and specifically Malaysia Homestay Program.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:community participation, community support, homestay program
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
ID Code:52153
Deposited By: Siti Nor Hashidah Zakaria
Deposited On:01 Feb 2016 03:54
Last Modified:28 Jan 2019 04:45

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