Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Leveraging Malaysian diaspora for cluster development initiatives

Abu Talib, Noraini and Sofian, Saudah and Mohamad, Noor Azmi and Senin, Aslan Amat and Abd. Kadir, Hamdan and Mohd. Yusof, Halimah (2012) Leveraging Malaysian diaspora for cluster development initiatives. Business Strategy Series, 13 (5). pp. 239-247. ISSN 1751-5637

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17515631211264113


A large number of East Asian economies have benefited from the diaspora employed in the large North American and European clusters. The diaspora acquired valuable skills, developed contacts and financial wealth. Much has been written about the professional and personal obstacles of brain circulation but scant work has been done to highlight the structural factors influencing brain circulation as well as diaspora strategies in the Malaysian context. This article aims to review the brain circulation theory and pertinent literature on Malaysian clusters and to highlight the structural factors inhibiting diaspora and flow of talent to Malaysia.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Malaysian diaspora, Industrial clusters, Multimedia super corridor
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Divisions:Management and Human Resource Development
ID Code:47157
Deposited By: Narimah Nawil
Deposited On:22 Jun 2015 05:56
Last Modified:31 Mar 2019 08:34

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