Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Heavy metals mn, fe, ni, cu, and zn in human hair samples using energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis

Md. Khudzari, Jauharah and Wagiran, Husin and Hossain, Md. Imam and Ibrahim, Noorddin and Agam, Mohd. Arif (2011) Heavy metals mn, fe, ni, cu, and zn in human hair samples using energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 6 (8). pp. 2090-2094. ISSN 1992-1950

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This paper presents the results of analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) applied on the human hair. We determined the concentrations of heavy metals Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn of 29 hair samples of sanitation workers and 5 samples of students were assumed to be environmentally healthy group. The accuracy and precision of the method for the elements were evaluated through the analysis of a standard hair sample. We compared the concentrations of human hair from an occupationally exposed group of sanitation workers and a control group (students). The hair of the exposed group showed a range of concentrations of 6-28 ppm Mn, 20-195 ppm Fe, 258-549 ppm Ni, 452-1182 ppm Cu and 334-1556 ppm Zn, while that of the control group has a range of 7-26 ppm Mn, 22-61 ppm Fe, 309- 558 ppm Ni, 438-700 ppm Cu and 224-876 ppm Zn.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:heavy metals
Subjects:T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
ID Code:44961
Deposited By: Haliza Zainal
Deposited On:21 Apr 2015 03:31
Last Modified:19 Sep 2017 03:57

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