Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Citizen awareness to e-government services for information personalization

Prima, Silviana and Ibrahim, Roliana (2011) Citizen awareness to e-government services for information personalization. International Journal of Innovative Computing, 1 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2180-4370

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In the government agency environment, citizen is the customer that utilizes the service provided by government agency as the service provider. The success and acceptance of e-government initiatives depends on citizen willing to utilize the service provided (Carter L and Belanger F, 2004). The core issue in e-government domain now is about the social issue rather than the technical issue. Findings from literatures reveal that the initiative from government side in promoting and building the awareness of citizen is considered low. And by the unawareness of citizen, the communication between government and citizen cannot successfully be built. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to review the success factors of e-government adoption and the issues that influence citizen to aware and adopt the service provided by various researchers. In addition, this paper also discusses the formulation of a citizen-centric framework. The benefit of the framework is to assists the analysis on the relationship between government and citizens. This is to ensure that a suitable method could be further proposed to enhance the relationship and communication between government and citizens. The Citizen-centric framework considers the needs in promoting service to citizen so that information personalization can successfully be accomplished.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:39812
Deposited By: Liza Porijo
Deposited On:21 Jul 2014 05:28
Last Modified:12 Oct 2017 05:20

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