Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Hand gesture recognition using hidden markov models: a review on techniques and approaches

Mohd. Salleh, Noor Saliza and Jais, Jamilin and Mazalan, Lucyantie and Ismail, Roslan and Yussof, Salman and Ahmad, Azhana and Anuar, Adzly and Mohamad, Dzulkifli (2006) Hand gesture recognition using hidden markov models: a review on techniques and approaches. In: The 2nd Malaysian MySEC’06 Software Engineering Conference, 11 & 12 Dec. 2006, Hotel Crown Princess Kuala Lumpur.

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Many ways of communications are used between human and computer, while using gesture is considered to be one of the most natural ways in a virtual reality system. Hand gesture is one of the typical methods of non-verbal communication for human beings and we naturally use various gestures to express our own intentions in everyday life. Gesture recognizers are supposed to capture and analyze the information transmitted by the hands of a person who communicates in sign language. This is a prerequisite for automatic sign-to-spoken-language translation, which has the potential to support the integration of deaf people into society. This paper present part of literature review on ongoing research and findings on different technique and approaches in gesture recognition using Hidden Markov Models for vision-based approach.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:sign language, gesture recognition, hidden markov model
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:3057
Deposited By: Suhaili Sudin
Deposited On:17 Sep 2007 08:56
Last Modified:29 Aug 2017 04:35

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