Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Property supply and demand

Mar Iman, Abdul Hamid (2007) Property supply and demand. Penerbit UTM, Skudai, Johor Bahru. ISBN 978–983–52–0437–1


Official URL: http://www.penerbit.utm.my/cgi-bin/katalog/buku.cg...


There are many elements of the property market that can influence property business. The day to day solutions to problems need continuous supply of information or specific problem-solving exercises. One way of ensuring the availability of such information is through market research. One essential aspect of property market research is estimating supply and demand of property products. It is part of the study of property as a larger discipline. Property demand and supply analysis is particularly important in the decision-making processes, especially those concerning business decisions such as property development, appraisal or valuation, property marketing, property management, and property investment.

Item Type:Book
Uncontrolled Keywords:Property supply, demand, SUPPLY AND DEMAND ANALYSIS, MARKET ANALYSIS
Subjects:H Social Sciences
Divisions:Geoinformation and Real Estate
ID Code:30020
Deposited By: Liza Porijo
Deposited On:11 Apr 2013 03:27
Last Modified:27 Sep 2017 08:12

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