Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

A new concept of multi electron-hole pair generation using dark-bright soliton conversion control

Punthawanunt, S. and Teeka, C. and Jomtarak, R. and Mitatha, S. and Ali, Jalil and Yupapin, P. P. (2011) A new concept of multi electron-hole pair generation using dark-bright soliton conversion control. Procedia Engineering, 8 . pp. 483-486. ISSN 1877-7058

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2011.03.087


In this paper, we have derived and presented a new concept of multi electron-hole pair generation by using dark-bright soliton collision within the modified add/drop filter, which it is known as PANDA ring resonator. By using the dark-bright soliton conversion control, the obtained outputs of the dynamic states can be used to form the multi electron-hole pair, which can be available for communication security application.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Multi electron-hole pair generation, PANDA ring, soliton conversion
Subjects:Q Science
ID Code:28592
Deposited By: Yanti Mohd Shah
Deposited On:25 Oct 2012 07:04
Last Modified:31 Oct 2019 10:10

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