Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Risk assessment mapping of landscape development based on ecological service and goods in Malaysia lowland tropical rainforest

Hashim, Mazlan and Marghany, Maged Mahmoud and Okuda, T. and Numata, S. (2010) Risk assessment mapping of landscape development based on ecological service and goods in Malaysia lowland tropical rainforest. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 58-69. ISSN 1934-8932

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Amongst the impacts of converting forest to agricultural activities are soil erosion and degradation of ecology service values and goods (ESVG). The soil erosion can be seen as on-site impacts, such as the problems of decreasing soil fertility and also its off-site impact such as the problems of sedimentation of the nearby rivers, whilst the degradation of ESVG are more holistic in nature. These impacts can be devastating in environmental, biological, and socio-economic manners. This paper reports the study undertaken on the impacts of agricultural development in 0.8 million ha of forest dominated landscape in Pasoh Forest Region (PFR), Malaysia, within period of 8 years from 1995 to 2003. Three folds of impacts on agricultural development examined and analysed, are: (i) relationship of total soil loss and changes in land use pattern, (ii) mapping trends of ESVG for PFR in 1995 and 2003, and (iii) risk assessment of ESVG based on simulation of converting 339,630 ha of primary forest into mass-scale oil palm plantation. Results of this study indicated that although only minor changes of about 1464 ha (about 0.2% of PFR) of primary forest was converted to agricultural activities, it have significantly increased the total soil loss from 59 to 69 million ton/ha/yr. The mean rate of soil is loss for PFR is 0.8 mil ton/ha/yr and if translated into ESVG term, the soil loss costs about US$ 4.8mil/yr. However, majority of the soil loss within all land use classes are within range of very low-low risk categories (<10 ton/ha/yr). ESVG for PFR were costing US$ 179 millions in 1995, declined to US$ 114 millions in 2003 due to 0.2% reduction of forested land. The ESVG of converting 339,630 ha primary forest into mass plantation cost less than original forest within period of 20 years examined; the 20th year of conversion, the ESVG of plantation and to-remain as forest cost US$ 963 and US$ 575 millions, respectively. However, this difference is only marginal when full attributes of ESVG are considered.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:tropical rainforest, remote sensing GIS, landscape development
Subjects:G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General)
G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GA Mathematical geography. Cartography
Divisions:Geoinformation Science And Engineering
ID Code:21008
Deposited By: Narimah Nawil
Deposited On:17 Jan 2012 06:49
Last Modified:21 Oct 2018 04:29

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