Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Telemedicine application based on signal processing techniques

Shaikh Salleh, Sheikh Hussain and Ismail, Kamarulafizam and Chowdhury, Asasul Islam and Mohd. Zin, Zamri (2007) Telemedicine application based on signal processing techniques. In: Recent Advancement In Biomedical Engineering. Penerbit UTM , Johor, pp. 24-36. ISBN 978-983-52-0559-0

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It has been reported that heart diseases have been major killer all over the world in modern days. Diagnosis of these pathologies require knowledge and expensive equipments such as electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (EKG), auditory brainstem response (ABR) diagnosed machines etc. However, both resources are limited. The situation is even worst in poor and developing countries, for example there are very limited numbers of available cardiologist and equipments. One way to solve this problem is by using internet telemedicine.

Item Type:Book Section
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
R Medicine > RZ Other systems of medicine
ID Code:14087
Deposited By: Liza Porijo
Deposited On:16 Aug 2011 09:53
Last Modified:08 Oct 2017 01:45

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