Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Fingerprint image reconstruction and enhancement

Sulong, Ghazali and Othman, Mohamad Kharuli and Ali, Khairul Azlan (2007) Fingerprint image reconstruction and enhancement. In: Advances in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Algorithms & Practice. Penerbit UTM , Johor, pp. 175-194. ISBN 978-983-52-0621-4

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Fingerprint identification is one of the most important biometric technologies which has drawn a substantial amount of attention over the past decade. Progress has been made on several areas including fingerprints enhancement, identification, classification, matching, and the development of commercial automated fingerprint identification systems. Despite these advances, there remain considerable opportunities for improvement. The retrieval speed and the ability to recognize partial or low quality fingerprint images are prominent among those areas that require improvement.

Item Type:Book Section
Subjects:Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Divisions:Computer Science and Information System
ID Code:13467
Deposited By: Liza Porijo
Deposited On:15 Aug 2011 05:28
Last Modified:15 Aug 2011 05:28

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