Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Advancements and challenges in green extraction techniques for Indonesian natural products: a review

Nicky Rahmana Putra, Nicky Rahmana Putra and Yustisia, Yustisia and R. Bambang Heryanto, R. Bambang Heryanto and Asmaliyah, Asmaliyah and Miswarti, Miswarti and Dwila Nur Rizkiyah, Dwila Nur Rizkiyah and Che Yunus, Mohd. Azizi and Irianto, Irianto and Lailatul Qomariyah, Lailatul Qomariyah and Nur Rohman, Gus Ali (2023) Advancements and challenges in green extraction techniques for Indonesian natural products: a review. South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 46 (NA). pp. 88-98. ISSN 1026-9185

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajce.2023.08.002


The paper examines the advancements and obstacles in environmentally sustainable extraction methods for natural products in Indonesia. It presents a comprehensive examination of conventional extraction methodologies utilized in Indonesia and analyses their inherent constraints and ecological ramifications. The subsequent section of the paper examines a range of environmentally friendly extraction methods, encompassing their underlying principles, advantages, disadvantages, and instances of their implementation in the context of Indonesia. Furthermore, the study examines the challenges and constraints associated with green extraction practices in Indonesia, encompassing technical and economic impediments and regulatory concerns. Furthermore, this study explores recent advancements in environmentally sustainable extraction methods for natural products in Indonesia and their potential practical uses. The review underscores the importance of implementing environmentally responsible and sustainable extraction practices in Indonesia and provides recommendations for further research and development in this area. The article offers significant perspectives on the condition of green extraction methods employed for Indonesian natural products and highlights potential pathways for future progress in this field.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:advancements, challenges, green extraction, Indonesian natural products
Subjects:Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions:Chemical and Energy Engineering
ID Code:107139
Deposited By: Yanti Mohd Shah
Deposited On:28 Aug 2024 07:11
Last Modified:28 Aug 2024 07:11

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