Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Institutional Repository

Reliable multi-path communication for IoT based solar automated monitoring as motivation towards multi-farming hydroponic.

Khang, Adam Wong Yoon and Alsayaydeh, Jamil Abedalrahim and Mohamat Gani, Johar Akbar and Pusppanathan, Jaysuman and Teh, Azman Awang and Ismail, Albert Feisal Muhd. Feisal and Geok, Tan Kim (2023) Reliable multi-path communication for IoT based solar automated monitoring as motivation towards multi-farming hydroponic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17 (21). pp. 115-128. ISSN 1865-7923

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3991/ijim.v17i21.43555


The current reliance on single-path communication presents limitations for effectively monitoring and controlling critical parameters that are essential for hydroponic success. This hampers the achievement of optimal plant growth and overall system performance in multi-farming hydroponic setups. The issue lies in the inherent vulnerabilities of single-path communication, which can result in data loss and transmission errors. Therefore, reliable multi-path communication is essential for Internet of Things (IoT)-based automated monitoring systems. The research aims to enhance monitoring and control capabilities in multi-farming hydroponic environments by integrating advanced communication technologies. Utilizing the ESP microcontroller in conjunction with the Painless Mesh library enables seamless communication among nodes, facilitating real-time data exchange and control. Additionally, app-based dashboard monitoring offers a user-friendly interface for remote monitoring. The findings demonstrate that reliable multi-path communication, combined with app-based dashboard monitoring, promotes optimal plant growth, efficient resource allocation, and sustainable multi-farming practices. In summary, this research contributes to a deliberate efficiency increase of 30% in pH level, 25% in humidity level, and 35% in temperature level. This paves the way for adopting efficient multi-farming hydroponic solutions that are based on resource-efficient energy usage.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:ESP; hydroponic; internet of things (IoT); mesh; solar.
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7885-7895 Computer engineer. Computer hardware
Divisions:Faculty of Engineering - School of Electrical
ID Code:105751
Deposited By: Muhamad Idham Sulong
Deposited On:15 May 2024 06:58
Last Modified:15 May 2024 06:58

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